Relocalizing our economies
Gaia Education launched its ground-breaking curriculum in Ecovillage Design Education in 2005. Soon we came to realize that many of our students did not necessarily want to start an ecovillage (intentional community) but wanted to apply what they learned on the course to their on projects as social entrepreneurs, community organizers, or in the neighbourhoods they lived in with their families. We also realized that many of the synergies of creating thriving communities only really come together at the scale of the (bio)region and so our online course focusses on Design for Sustainability and the scale-linking design that connects the local, regional and global.
Here is an excellent little video that explains the many benefits that come from relocalizing our economies which was created by LocalFutures and Helena Norberg-Hodge, one of the founding members of Gaia Education.
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Gaia Education is a leading-edge provider of sustainability education that promotes thriving communities within planetary boundaries.
Want to know what you can do? Learn how to become an active change agent in the process of revitalizing your local economy in global-local collaboration, sign up for the Economic Design dimension online course starting on 19 March 2018.